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July 23, 2017 Subject:
dan jerry
Welcome to brotherhood Illuminati where you can become rich famous and popular and your life story we be change totally my name is Dan Jerry
I am here to share my testimony on how I join the great brotherhood Illuminati and my life story was change immediately . I was very poor no job and I has no money to even feed and take care of my family I was confuse in life I don’t know what to do I try all my possible best to get money but no one work out for me each day I share tears, I was just looking out my family no money to take care of them until one day I decided to join the great Illuminati , I come across them in the internet I never believe I said let me try I email them.all what they said we happen in my life just started it was like a dream to me they really change my story totally . They give me the sum of $1,200,000 and many thing. through the Illuminati I was able to become rich, and have many industry on my own and become famous and popular in my country , today me and my family is living happily and I am the most happiest man here is the opportunity for you to join the Illuminati and become rich and famous in life and be like other people and you life we be change totally.If you are interested in joining the great brotherhood Illuminati.then contact him +2348106618681 email:illuminatibrotherpowerful@ or you need my assistance
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January 11, 2014 Subject:
Very Very Informative: Or is it?
Wow dahhhhling a book that offers not only the dirt dahhhlin but the dirt in a microscopic, molecular, dust mite sordid way dahhhhhhling. The book
is so informative it even drops the dime on five CIA agents who the book claims kidnaps children in the United States for the illumi"not" rituals of sacrifice,rape and torture. Although I am quite confident the CIA responsible for committing some of the most heinous crimes that the world has ever known it is my opinion that this book is almost TOO informative dahhhhhling. The richest most powerful men whose power comes in many forms. In the United States their main vein of power comes in the way of owning/controlling the media and information flow. The malnutrition of knowledge in real time the United States owns as a result is evident. Than suddenly a book appears on a silver platter offered up to: Read online, EBook, EPUB, Kindle, Daisy, Full Text and DIVU!!!! All for free all available anytime night or day 24-7!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dropping names,telling tales accusations of crimes of the most serious and gruesome nature. Yet we still don't know who shot JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcom X...I have no doubt these things are true it's just that it comes to us in such a way that a double and triple checking of references and digging would probably be a good idea before using the book as a reference. This opinion was not my initial one but after returning to the book a second time I felt compelled to share how it did change. Carry The Lord Jesus in your mind and heart when delving in material such as this so that your mental state and well being do not in any way suffer.
August 19, 2012 Subject:
Big old bag of crazy
Just look at those keywords. Fun for the whole family.